Worship Services

We meet on Sundays in person at 10 am


If you cannot meet in person, you may also watch the service online. The worship service lasts between one hour and an hour and fifteen minutes. Our service is a typical reformed service with singing, prayer, and a sermon. However, our music selections and leaders are an eclectic mix. From contemporary to traditional and things in between, we value all kinds of worshipping traditions and their ability to convey the message of Jesus. Worship leaders range from professionals to children, and we regularly hear from our adult and kids choirs.

Learn more about our music program.


Are children welcome in service?

Nursery is available for infants through age 5, if desired.

We believe children are an integral part of the church, and we welcome them into the entire worship service. We do not have a separate service for children. We know children make noise, and that is okay! During the service we have a special children’s time, and we provide children’s packets by request. Simply ask an usher, and they will be happy to get you one.

What should I wear?

At Hamilton Square, you will see some people dressing casually and some in their Sunday best. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

Where should I park and enter?

Parking is in our parking lot; if full, street parking is available. After parking, enter the main doors on Nottingham where someone will greet you and direct you to the service.

What about accessibility?

Accessibility is an important value to us, and our services are handicap accessible. We have an elevator for anyone who cannot navigate stairs. We have a hearing system available as needed, and we offer large-print bulletins.

Special Services

For more information on baptisms, contact one of our pastors.

We have communion on the first Sunday of the month. During communion, elders pass the elements to those in the pews. The table is open and you are invited to participate as you feel comfortable. A gluten-free option is available. We are alcohol free and serve only juice.

Healing Rite
We hold a Healing Rite every fourth Sunday of each month. This is an important service in the life of the church, and we invite you to experience it with us. During this service, elders anoint people with oil, lay hands on them, and pray for them.

The church is available for weddings for members and others with a connection to the church. Contact a pastor for more information.

The church is available for funerals for members and those with a connection to the church. Contact the church office or a funeral home for more information.