Staff & Leadership

Rev. Kyle Doebler
Pastor and Head of Staff
Kyle has served as Pastor and Head of Staff at First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square since September of 2021. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, Kyle Doebler has served churches in San Francisco, Ohio, and New Jersey. He is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity) and the College of William and Mary (economics and mathematics).
Kyle is passionate about helping the church put its faith in action. He enjoys helping congregations develop both local and international mission partnerships. He currently serves as the Vice-Chair of Heart to Honduras, a ministry focused on sustainable, holistic community development in the Lago de Yojoa region of Honduras. Over the course of more than 20 trips to Honduras, Kyle has worked with local churches, community leaders, ministry staff, and government officials, focusing on health care partnerships and asset based community development.
Kyle is married to Krystal, and they enjoy traveleing, being outdoors, and cheering for Philadelphia sports teams. Kyle and Krystal are proud to call Hamilton home.
Deacons are elected and ordained leaders of the congregation with a ministry of caring for those in spiritual or physical need. Their minstries include providing funeral repasts for church members, operating the church’s food pantry, Ginny’s Pantry, organizing blood drives, and providing confidential assistance to members of our church and community. Deacons serve three-year terms. If you would like to contact the deacons, please email
MODERATOR: Rich Weltmann
Class of 2024
Dawn Bradley
Cheryl Mills
Liz Ploth
Vanessa Poe
Jan Stout
Rich Weltmann
Deena Darragh
Bill Darragh
Amy Hoppock
Bill Hoppock
Amy Morris
Debbie Hicks
Sue Colton
Stephanie Mazzarone
Pat Paluchowski
Pat Shalestik
Debbie Stotland
Esther Whelan
The Session seeks to discern the will of Christ in and for the congregation and leads and guides the congregation so that it is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, bearing faithful witness to Jesus Christ. In addition, the session serves as the Church’s board of trustees. It is made up of the elected and ordained elders and pastors of the congregation. Elders serve three-year terms. If you would like to contact the session, please email
MODERATOR: Kyle Doebler
CLERK: Sherry Garrahan
Valerie Black
Rob Deane
Robert Kim
Rich Palmer
John “JT” Thomas
Sherry Garrahan
Debbie Krall
Sohail Morris
Lee Weitz
Paul Waller
Bill Guynn
Mike Meduski
Ken Rubin
Jill Sirawsky
Laura Van Wagner